Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the many nicknames of Lando the cat

It seems our culture is in somewhat of a cute animal craze. Nearly every day on the internet I get some freaking adorable video or picture of a cute kitty or other animal. You would think I would start to get desenitized to all this cuteness but so far I haven't. I have oohed, aahed, and said "bebe!" hundreds of times to all this cuteness for quite awhile now.
It also seems I will never be immune to the cuteness of my cat. Even though I see my cat every day, and he basically does the same cute things every day (batting my hand when I sit on his chair, rolling over on his back and posing in the middle of the living room), I still exclaim every day over his cuteness. To be fair, my roommate hasn't become immune to the cat's adorableness either. A testimony to our inability to get over the cat's cuteness is the absurb amount of nicknames we have given to Lando over the years, even when Lando is probably the coolest cat name ever.

The many nicknames of Lando, invented by me or John:

Stinka kitty
Fat stinka
Fat kitten
Precious lamb
Kitten Lamb
Lamb kitty
Lamb kitten
Fatty fatty boombalatty
Psycho kitty! Que-est que ce?
Hang, hang on Moopy. Moopy Hang on!
Moopy doopy doopy-doo
Lord Moopleton, a minor lordling of moderate landholdings in the kingdom of Moopledonia
Senor Fatness
Angry moo
Fat moopy

I'm sure there are more that I will add as I remember them-

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